
Bankruptcy and Your Divorce

  • By: Karpenski & Schmelkin
  • Divorce

Bankruptcy and Divorce It can be a stressful process when couples are divorcing even under the best of circumstances. When other factors are thrown into the process, such as one party filing or wanting to file bankruptcy, it can make things more complicated. Most often individuals consider filing for bankruptcy when they can no longer […]

In Massachusetts, couples can either file for an uncontested or a contested divorce. The facts of each case will depend on which filing is appropriate: Uncontested Divorce Whenever the parties can agree on all issues prior to either party filing a Complaint for Divorce, the parties may request (called a “petition”) that the Court accept […]

Divorce and Your Child’s Schooling

  • By: Karpenski & Schmelkin
  • Divorce

Many issues arise during a divorce. The most important issues involve your child or children.  Some of the most common issues include custody of the child, financial arrangements such as child support and alimony, and dividing property. One important decision that is often forgotten until the last minute involves your child’s education. Decisions on the […]