In a landmark decision, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in Cavanagh v. Cavanagh issued several new rulings on the treatment of alimony and child support in divorce, which have changed the way Probate and Family Court judges and attorneys address these issues. Pre-Cavanagh, courts typically only ordered a spouse to pay alimony and child support […]
My Spouse Remarried. Will This Affect My Alimony Or Child Support Payments? The terms of a divorce often require one party to pay alimony and/or child support to the other party. If you are the party paying support, you may be looking at making those payments for years to come. What happens though if your former […]
Your divorce decree may include child custody, visitation, spousal, or child support orders. Intentionally refusing to comply with one or more of these orders is an act of contempt of court. One way to enforce a court order after a violation has occurred is by filing a complaint for contempt asking the court to enforce […]

Either party, or both parties, may request that the Court issue an alimony order as part of the terms of their Judgment of Divorce. Alimony is defined as support payments from a spouse who has an ability to pay, to a spouse who needs support. This is the last part in a three (3) part […]

Alimony is the payment made by one spouse, the “payor” spouse who must have the ability to pay, to the other “recipient” spouse who must need support in order to meet his/her basic needs. One purpose of alimony is to allow both parties, post-divorce, to maintain the lifestyle the parties enjoyed during the marriage. This […]

Although most couples enter into marriage assuming the relationship will have longevity, sometimes that just isn’t the case. It is often the case in marriages that one spouse is more financially dependent on the other. Alimony is court-ordered support paid by one spouse to the other for a period of time after a divorce. Alimony is […]

Either party, or both parties in a divorce action can request that the Court issue an alimony order as part of the terms of the Judgment of Divorce. Alimony is defined as support payments from a spouse who has an ability to pay to a spouse who is in need of support. This is the […]

Either party, or both parties, can request that the Court issue an alimony order as part of the terms of the Judgment of Divorce. Alimony is defined as support payments from a spouse who has an ability to pay to a spouse who is in need of support. This is the second part in a […]

With the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017, there comes a major change that impacts divorce: spousal support, or alimony, will no longer be tax deductible. As the law currently stands, alimony payments are tax deductible by the payor and considered taxable income to the recipient. Under the new law, […]