Child Custody
How Living Together Affects Custody of Children from a Prior Marriage While living together outside of marriage was once considered socially unacceptable, it is now very much the norm. The majority of couples cohabitate prior to marriage and many couples never choose to legally marry. If you have children from a prior marriage, however, you […]
Going through the legal process of divorce is rarely easy. When a minor child is involved, the likelihood of a divorce becoming contentious increases significantly when the parents do not agree on the issue of custody. What about the child’s wishes? Does the child have a voice when the parents cannot agree on custody? In […]
According to the most recent U.S. Census, about six million children under 18 are being raised by grandparents. If you are one of the 2.7 million grandparents who is currently caring for a grandchild, or who wishes to take over the care of a grandchild, it is imperative that you understand how to become your […]
Your divorce decree may include child custody, visitation, spousal, or child support orders. Intentionally refusing to comply with one or more of these orders is an act of contempt of court. One way to enforce a court order after a violation has occurred is by filing a complaint for contempt asking the court to enforce […]
Once a family law judge has issued a child custody order, the order is legally binding—meaning both parents must abide by the terms of that order. However, life can change dramatically after a divorce. A custody arrangement rarely works for every stage in a child’s life, childrens’ needs evolve as they grow and parents’ circumstances […]

Custody arrangements and visitation schedules can be as unique as the parents trying to co-parent after a divorce. A child visitation schedule establishes when the children are under the care of each parent. It will outline specific drop-off and pickup times to avoid any confusion. A good child visitation schedule will also outline how holidays […]

Adopting a child is a wonderful experience. Adoption is, however, a complex process and you must follow the laws exactly. If you are located in the state of Massachusetts and are looking to adopt, you not only need to know the laws, but you should also have legal representation to guide you through the process. […]

When a couple who has children decides to separate, ideally they can come to a custody and visitation arrangement with the help of legal counsel. However, if they aren’t able to come to an agreement, custody will be decided by the court. Many times, in high conflict custody cases, the judge will benefit from having […]

Coming to a child custody agreement can be difficult, no matter what the circumstances are. A child custody arrangement can be further complicated when one of the parents wants to relocate out of the state or country with a child who is the subject of a custody or visitation order in Massachusetts. Before the parent […]